November 27, 1803
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November 27, 1803


Set out this morning before sunrise—    (1) ¾ of a mile to the mouth of this river [1]    it is about 18 yards wide at it's mouth and affords but little water at this moment, tho' I am informed that there is a handsome settlement on it & that in high water it navigable many miles, it heads with the waters of the Saline of Mississippi & the St. Francis rivers

(2) This is a bold point of rocks forming the extremity of a range of hills which have continued on our Lard quarter for a considerable distance    the Creek of the same name [2] which puts in just above it is 20 miles in length and has a considerable number of inhabitants on it, and as many as three gristmills.—

(3) at the lower point of this Ild. [3] I came too and took Meridian Altitudes of ☉'s L. L.; found it 62° 54' 30"    Error of Sextant 8' 45"—

Course Time dist.  
N. 70 W.   1—   —¾ To river Ameat Lard. qtr (1)
"    "    "   1—   —¾ To Cape St. Comes Lard. (2)
N. 21 E.   —10   —¼ To mouth of creek Lard. of the same name—
"    "    "   1 15   1 ¼ To large Isld. Lard
N. 50 W.   2 20   2 ½ To Isld. Lard. (3)
"    "    "   2—   3— wind served us here—
N. 44 W.   —10   —¼ Isld. Stard qtr.
"    "    "   1 40   3— To upper pt. of parrarie Lard.
N. 50 W.   —45   1 ¼ Come too for the night at Lower pt. of Isld.
Lard. qutr [4]
  10 20 13  
1. Lewis's "river Ameat" (see course and distance table of this entry); presumably it is Omete Creek (also "amite"), but that stream enters Cinque Hommes Creek just before the latter falls into the Mississippi. Perhaps Lewis refers to Brazeau Creek. (back)
2. See above, November 26, n. 2. Cinque Hommes Creek is just above the cape. (back)
3. Shown as "I. a la Merde" on Collot's 1796 map of the Mississippi. Collot's map, Tucker, 522–23. (back)
4. Probably Horse Island, in Perry County, Missouri, opposite present Chester, Randolph County, Illinois; the state line crosses the river in various places in this area. (back)