Wednesday 25th Jany a verry Clear mon[moon?] Shiney night a fair morning, last night was a verry Cold one (I was Sick all night[)] The branch[es] of Trees and the Small groth ar gilded with Ice from the frost of last night which affords one of the most magnificent appearances in nature, the river began to Smoke [1] at 8 oCLock and the Thermometer Stood at 2° below 0, at 9 oClock at 0, at 10 oClock at 5° abov 0, at 11 oClock 12° abv 0, at 12 oClock 16d abov 0, at 1 oClock 16° abov 0, at 2 oClock 19° abv 0, at 3 oClock 16 abov 0, wind from W N W— Sick— 2 Deer Killed to day &