Sunday 29th Jany a butifull morning the river rise a little no Ice The Thermometer at 9 oClock Stood at 16° above 0, at 11 oClock 22d abov 0, at 12 oClock 24° abov 0, Took the alltiude of Suns Lowr Limb 66° 50' 30"— E. E. [instrument error?] 5' [minute symbol written over degree symbol]— at 3 oClock 28° abov 0, at 4 oClock 26° abov 0, at 5 oClock 23° abov 0,— Shields Killed a Deer to day, Express returned from Koho: brought a Letter from Capt. Lewis, & 4 other from Kenty. 8 bottles of wine Some Durant [1] & files