July 9, 1804
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July 9, 1804


July the 9th Monday 1804    Sent one man [1] back to the mouth of the River to mark a tree, to let the party on Shore See that the Boat had passed the river, Set out 〈at Su〉 early    passed (1) the head of the Island [2] Situated in the middle of the river a Sand bar at the head, (2) passed the mouth of a Creek or Bayou on the S. S. leading from a large Pond of about three miles in length, [3]    at 8 oClock it commenced raining, the wind changed from N E. to S. W.    (3) at 6 miles passed the mouth of a Small Creek on the L. S. called Monters Creek, [4]    the river at this place is wide with a Sand bar in the Middle, passed a place on the L. S. about 2 miles above the Creek, where Several french men camped two years to hunt—    (4) passed a Island on the S S. of the river in a bend, opsd. a high Land on the L. S. [5]    wind Shifted to the N. W. in the evining, opsd. this Island, and on the L. S. Loup or Wolf River [6] Coms in, this river is about 60 yards Wide, but little water running at the mouth, this river heads with the waters of the Kanzas, and has a perogue navigation Some distance, it abounds with Beaver, Camped opposit the head of the Island on the L. S. [7]    Saw a fire on the S. S.    Supposedly the four flankers, to be theire, Sent a perogue for them, the Patroon & Bowman of the Perogue French, [8] they returned & informed, that when they approached the fire, it was put out, which caused them to return, this report causd. us to look out    Supposeing a pty. of Soux going to war, firierd the bow piec to allarm & put on their guard the men on Shore    everey thing in readiness for Defence.

Course Distance & Reffurencies for July the 9th—
S. 60° W.   1 ½ ms. to the upper point of an Island in the River
(1)    passed the mouth of a Gut from a pond
(2) S. S.
S. 20° W.   3 ½ ms. to a point on the S. S.    passed a Sand bar
and point on L. S.—    (rains).
N 82 W.   3 ½ ms. to a point on the 〈L.〉 S. Side, psd. a Sand
bar, a Small Creek on the L. S. (3)
N. 68° W   5 ½ ms. to a point on the L. S. (4)    passed a Island
on the S. S.—    Just a below the pt. pass Wolf
R (5)

one man Sent back to the river we passed last night to Blase [NB: notch] a tree with a view to notify the party on Shore of our passing    Set out and passed the head of the (1) Island which was Situated opposit to our Camp last night    a Sand bar at the head (2) opsd. this Island a 〈Gut〉 Creek or Bayaue Coms in from a large Pond on the Starboard Side, as our flanking party Saw great numbers of Pike in this Pond, I have laid it down with that name anex'd, [9] at 8 oClock the wind Shifted from the N, E to S W and it commenced raining.    (3) at Six miles passed the mouth of Creek on the L. S. Called 〈Monter's〉 [NB: Montain's] Creek, about two [10] mile above is some Cabins where our Bowman & Several frenchmen Campd. two years [NB: ago] [11]    (4) passed an Island on the S. S. in a Bend of the river opposit Some Clifts on the L. S.    the wind Shifted to the N W    opposit this Island and on the L. Side (Loup) or Wolf River Coms in, this river is about 60 yards wide and heads with the waters of the Kansis, and is navagable for Perogues "Some destance up"    Camped at a point on the L. S. opposit the head of the Island, our party was incamped on the Opposit Side, their not answering our Signals Caused us to Suspect the persons Camped opposit to us was a war party of Soux, we fired the Bow piece to alarm the party on Shore, alled prepared to oppose it attacted

Course Distance & refrs. July 9th 1804
N. 60° W   1 ½ Ms. to up pt. of Isd.    psd. a 〈Gut〉 Creek S S (1) (2)
S 20° W   3 ½ ms. to pt. S. S.    psd. pt. of Sand bar S. S.
N 82° W   3 ½ ms. to pt. S. S.    psd. Sand, & a Creek S. S. (3)
N 68° W   5 ½ Ms. to pt. L. S.    psd. Wolf R L. S. opsd. Isd. (5)

Monday July the 9th 1804, we Set out eairly    Sent Bratton Back to the Creek to blaze some trees, So the Hunters might See we had passed.    proceeded on    passed a Creek or leading from a big pond called the Creek of the big pond.    this pond is near the River, and about 3 miles long & handsom    a great many beaver, & fish, fine land and well timbered about this place, Rainy.    the wind changed from the N. E. to the S. W.    at 6 miles passed the mouth of a Small Creek on the South Side called Monters or wolf Creek, passed a place on the South Side about 2 miles above the Creek where Several Frenchman Camped 2 years for to hunt & raise corn &c—    high land on the South Side    we passed a Creek on the South Side called River DeLoup, the wind Shifted to the N. W. in the evening. Camped on the South Side of the Missouris, a Gun fired on the opposite Side    Supposed to be our hunters    the pearogue went over for them but did not find them nor any body else.    we fired our bow peace.


Monday July 9th 1804    Set out erley this morning    prosed on    passed a Small Creek on the South Side Called monter Creek    High Land    Rain to day    Sailed the Gratist part of the day    passed a prarie on the South Side whare Seveal French famileys had Setled and made Corn Some Years ago 〈and Black Smith or Gun Smith〉 Stayed two years [12]    the Indians came Freckentley to See them and was verry frendley    passed a Creek on the South Side Called wolf Creek    it is about 60 yards wide    the Land is Good    water Strong    made 10 miles    encamt on the South Side    Saw a fire on the N. Side thougt it was 〈Indians〉 ouer flanken partey    Sent ouer perogue over for them and when they got over Saw no fire    Seposed it to be Indians    fired ouer Cannon for ouer men


Monday 9th.    Early this morning we continued our voyage. It rained hard till 12 o'clock. We passed a creek on the south side, called Wolf creek. The man that was snake bitten is become well. We encamped on the south side.


Monday 9    Sat out the Usal hour of Day light    Rain Came on    Raind the Most part of the day the hunters did not Come in    We Rod 12 Miles at piettet River de louce or woolf River—    Incampd.    it lies on the W. S.    the Mouth is about 20 yds. B.    the hunters Came 〈in〉 did not Come in

Monday July 9th    We set off early this morning, shortly after we had started a Rain came on, which continued most part of the day.—

We proceed on our Voyage and arrived at a River called Petit River De louce, or Little Wolf River, the mouth of which is 20 Yards wide.    This River lies on the So West side of the River Mesouri, our hunters that were out, did not come to us this day, The distance we rowed this day being 12 Miles.

1. According to Ordway the man was Bratton. (back)
2. Evidently the head of Nodaway Island. Nicollet (MMR), 376; MRC map 18. (back)
3. Probably Little Tarkio Creek, in Holt County, Missouri, which seems to have had various beds in this vicinity over the years. One of them passed through what is now a sizable oxbow lake in the Missouri bottom. Nicollet shows "Pike pond (L. & C.)" near the head of Nodaway Island and downstream from the mouth of the creek; either the creek had already shifted its course or Nicollet misread Biddle. Nicollet (MMR), 376; MRC maps 18, 19. (back)
4. Either Charleston Creek or Mosquito Creek, in Doniphan County, Kansas, depending on the course of the Missouri River in 1804. MRC map 18. (back)
5. This high bluff in Doniphan County, was later grandiosely called Lookout Mountain. Ibid. (back)
6. Wolf Creek, in Doniphan County. Loup is French for "wolf." It should not be confused with the Loup River in Nebraska, which Lewis and Clark never saw although they heard of it. Ibid.; MRM map 51. (back)
7. Precise location not possible because of shifts of the Missouri over the years; using the course of the river today, the camp would be near the present town of Iowa Point, Doniphan County. MRC map 18. (back)
8. If the arrangements were still the same as those of May 26, 1804, this would be the red pirogue, with Patroon Baptiste Deschamps in charge. (back)
9. The pike, strictly speaking, is northern pike, but various fishes resembling it are also loosely called pike. Lee et al., 133. The lake does not appear on Clark's maps; he may have "laid it down" on a lost map or in a list of streams. (back)
10. The word could be read as either "ones" or "two," but the Field Notes entry confirms the latter. (back)
11. The bowman would be either Cruzatte or Labiche. This site is in Doniphan County, a few miles down the Missouri from Iowa Point. MRC map 18. (back)
12. Either Cruzatte or Labiche, but not Shields, the man usually called the blacksmith. (back)