September 8, 1804
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September 8, 1804


8th of September 1804 Satturday. Set out early and proceeded on under a Gentle breese from the S. E.    at 3 mes passed the place where Trodow [2] wintered one winter [17]96 〈below the mouth of a creek on the L. S. at〉

N. 35 W.   7 me. a pt. L. S. opsd. Trodos house Situated in a wood on S S.
no [number] of rabits.
N. 88 W. 10 Miles to a pont of woods Std. shore.    1 mile above the com-
mencement of this course, the lower point of a willow Island
commences, this Island 1 ¼ in length in the center of the
river; a Small Sand Island at its upper extremity.    high bluff
on Lard. begining at the upper point of the Island—    much
higher hills than usual appear to the 〈West〉 N, distant about
[7 or 8?] miles, recently birnt—    three small islands com-
mence five miles from the commencement of this course and
continue about two miles lying on the Stard side of the main
chanl.    here met with six buffaloe bulls of which we killed
two—    1½ miles further an Island on the Lard about [blank]
m in length—    came too at the lower point of this island and
encamped, jerked the meet we had taken today consiting of
two Buffaloe, one large buck Elk 1 Elk fawn, three fawn deer,
three turkies & a Fox Squierel [3]

I went out to day on the S. S with a view to find Some of the little dogs, and Coats [goats], Traveled over a riged [ridged?] and mountanious Countrey without water & riseing to 5 or 600 hundred feet, Islands & Sands interveneing prevt. my getting to the boat untill after night, in my absent Capt. Lewis killed a Buffalow, I saw Greid many Buffalow & white wolves. [4] (Sailed all day)

Course Distance & reffurences
N. 35 W. 7 mes. to a pt. on L. S. opsd. the house of Mr. Troodo where he
wintered in 96 & Seven Called the Pania hos. in a woo[d] to
the S. S. (1)
N. 88° W 10 mes to a pt. of woods S. S.    one mile above the Commence-
ment of this course the Lowr. pt. of a willow Isid.    this Isld is
1¼ mes. in length, in the middle of the R: a Small Sand Isd.
at its upper extremity

8th of September Saturday

Set out early and proceeded on under a gentle Breeze from the S. E, at 3 mes. passed the house of Troodo where he wintered in 96. Called the Pania house, above is high hills on the S. S.    on the S. S. much higher hills than usial appear to the North distant 8 miles recently burnt—    pass 3 Small Islands at about 5 miles on this Course on the S. S.    here Capt. Lewis Killed a Buffalow in the river, and this men one other    Came to on the lower point of an Island in the midlle of the river Called Boat Island and incamped, [5] jurked the meet Killed to day Consisting of 2 buffalow, one large Buck Elk one Small, 4 Deer 3 Turkeys & a Squirel, I joined the boat at this Camp, The Countrey on the S S. is pore & broken.


On the Lard. shore 3 ½ miles below Mr. Trudeau's House, Observed

☉'s Magnetic azimuth with Circumfertr S. 85° E.
    h    m      s
Time by Chronometer    A. M.   7    27    59
Altd of ☉'s U. L. by Sextant. 51°    4'    30"
☉'s Magnetic Azimuth by Circumferentr. S. 84 E.
    h    m      s
Time by Chronometer A. M.   7    33    30
Alt. by Sextant of ☉'s U. L. 53°    2'    —"
Observed time and Altitudes of ☉, with Sextant
  Time       Altitude of
  h    m      s      
A. M. 7    33    30   ☉'s U. L. 53°    2'    "
  "     35      5   ☉'s Center "         "
  "     36    41   ☉'s L. L. "         "

I could not obtain the meridian altitude of sun this day in consequence of not being able to come too in time, without infinite danger of injuring the boat.    the evening was cloudy, which prevented my taking the altitude of any fixed star.


Saturday 8th Sept 1804.    a pleasant morning.    we Set off eairly    the wind from the S. E.    we proceeded on under a gentle breeze    passed the mouth of a Small creek on S. S. Some thin Timber close along each Side of the river.    the hills are near the river on boath Sides & are verry Broken &.C.—    we passed an Island N. S.    halted on S. S. to dine. G. Drewyer joined us who went the evening before, had killed a Buck Elk & a faun Elk & a faun Deer & caught 2 large Beaver,—    likewise one prarie dog. Capt. Clark went out this morning to walk on N. S.    we passed a Trading house [7] piched in on the Same Side abo. where the capt. went out in a handsome Timbered Bottom,—    which had been built in 1796.—    we proceeded on past Several Islands, late in the afternoon we Saw Several Buffelow Swimming the river. Capt. Lewis went out with Some of the party on S. S. in a grove of Timber & killed 2 Buffelow    Shot at one of them Several times in the river    he being wounded Swam a Shore again & they Shot him down at the edge of the water.—    we proceeded on about 1½ miles & camped on the lower point of a handsome Timbered Island.    on which we Saw large gangue of Buffalow.—    Capt. Clark joined us after dark.    had killed 1 faun Deer 3 turkies & a Squirril.— [8]    he informed us that he Travelled over a riged and mountanious Country without water & riseing 5 or 600 feet, where these hills had been lately burned over by the natives.—


Saturday 8th.    We proceeded early on our voyage, and had a clear day and fair wind from the S. E. Passed the bed of a creek [9] without water. At 9 I went out with one of our men, who had killed a buffaloe and left his hat to keep off the vermin and beasts of prey; but when we came to the place, we found the wolves had devoured the carcase and carried off the hat. Here we found a white wolf dead, supposed to have been killed in a contest for the buffaloe. We passed high bluffs on the south side and burnt prairie on the north. We encamped on an island covered with timber; and having a number of buffaloe on it. Captain Lewis who had been out with some of the men hunting informed us he had passed a trading house, built in 1796. This day we killed two buffaloe, a large and a small elk, a deer and two beaver.


Saturday 8th Sept.    a pleasant morning.    we Set off eairly.    G. Drewyer joined with the horses had killed 2 Elk a faun Deer and caught 2 large beaver    we passed an old Trading house on N. S.    capt. Clark walkd on Shore & killed a faun Deer 3 Turkies & a Squerrell.

Saturday September 8th    This morning we had fine pleasant weather, One of our hunters came in, and brought the horses, he had with him & 2 Elk, & four deer which he had killed, and two large Beaver which he caught in a Trap.    We set off early, and passed an old trading house, lying on the North side of the River.    Captain Clark, who had went out a hunting this Morning, returned in a short time, with the other hunters having kill'd 2 Buffalo, and One Deer, We passed several small Creeks, and encamped on the South side of the River in the Evening.—

1. Lewis appears to have written the second entry in the course material to "in length." (back)
2. Jean Baptiste Truteau came to St. Louis from Canada in 1774 and served as schoolmaster there for over half a century. In 1795 he stated that he had been making trips into the Indian country for twenty-six years. He could converse in the languages of several of the river tribes. In 1794 he headed the expedition of the Company of Explorers of the Upper Missouri in an attempt to reach the Mandan villages, having been appointed to the position by the Spanish lieutenant-governor, Zenon Trudeau, with whom his name has been confused. One would assume that the captains consulted him while in St. Louis, but records do not indicate this. Lewis and Clark apparently had portions of his journal of that trip with them. The Sioux blocked Truteau from reaching the Mandans, so he wintered at the post mentioned here. Clark's "Pania House" (or "Pawnee House") is more accurately named "Ponca House," being in the neighborhood of that tribe. It was located some thirty-four miles above the mouth of the Niobrara, in Charles Mix County, S. Dak., South Dakota. Truteau evidently wintered there in 1794–95, so Clark may have been in error in writing "96." It could be either "Panca" or "Pania" on Evans's map 1 (Atlas map 7). Atlas map 19; Nasatir (JBT); Nasatir (BLC), 1:86–91, 259–94, 294–311; Jefferson to Lewis, November 16, 1803, Jefferson to Lewis, January 22, 1804, Nicholas Biddle Notes [ca. April 1810], Jackson (LLC), 1:136–39, 2:528, 739 n. 3; Abel (TD); Diller (MMR); Diller (PH); Allen, 68, 138–39. (back)
3. The fox squirrel, Sciurus niger. Jones et al., 152–56. (back)
4. The gray wolf, Canis lupus nubilis, which varies considerably in color. Burroughs, 84–88; Jones et al., 254–56. (back)
5. Evidently on later Chicot, or Strehlow, Island, on the GregoryCharles Mix county line, South Dakota, which follows the Missouri. They are now entirely within South Dakota. Atlas map 19; MRC map 33. (back)
6. Lewis's observation from Codex O. (back)
7. Jean Baptiste Truteau evidently wintered here in 1794–95, some thirty-plus miles above the mouth of the Niobrara River, Charles Mix County, South Dakota. (back)
8. Clark says it was a fox squirrel, Sciurus niger. (back)
9. Clark crossed out his only apparent reference to this stream; if they are the same, it is some three miles above the last camp, in Boyd County, Nebraska, just below the South Dakota state line, and bears no name on any map. (back)