January 12, 1805
44.50% Complete
Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

January 12, 1805


a verry Cold Day    three of our hunters J. & R Fields withe 2 Elk on a Slay    Sent one more hunter out.


Saturday 12th Jany.    cloudy    2 of the hunters came in [1]    had killed 3 Elk    4 men Sent after the meat & got it—


Saturday 12th Jany. 1805.    a clear cold day.    Some of the men went down for the meat with a Slide    two more hunters went out to day.—

Saturday January 12th    The weather still continued clear and cold; the officers sent some of the party, for meat down the River, they took a Slide with them to bring it on.—    Two more of our hunters went out to hunt this day.—

1. The Field brothers, according to Clark. (back)