a fine day, prepareing the Tools to make perogues all day— a feiw Indians visit us to day, one the largest Indian I ever Saw, & as large a man as ever I Saw, I commence a Map of the Countrey on the Missouries & its waters &c. &c— [1]
Wednesday 27th Feby. 1805. a beautiful pleasant Morning. we fixed Skids under the Barge So as to have hir lay Safe without takeing any Injury. moved the 2 perogues along the N. Side of the line of huts So as to keep the Sun from cracking them.— 16 men Got their tools in order to make 4 perogues 4 men destined to make each perogue. the commanding officers mean to leave the Barge here in the Spring, and go on with 5 perogues one old one as they will be much better to Go from this place to the head of the Missouri.
Wednesday febry 27th We have still fine weather; the Men were employed cutting wood for to burn Coal, and falling of large Trees for to make Pettyaugers. The natives (Indians) came to our Fort, to get our Men to do some work for them, [2] and brought with them some Corn to pay for it—