January 13, 1806
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January 13, 1806


This morning I took all the men who could be spared from the Fort and set out in quest of the flesh of the seven Elk that were killed yesterday, we found it in good order being untouched by the wolves, of which indeed there are but few in this country; at 1 P. M. we returned having gotten all the meat to the fort.    this evening we exhausted the last four candles, but fortunately had taken the precaution to bring with us moulds and wick, by means of which and some Elk's tallow in our possession we do not yet consider ourselves destitute of this necessary article; the Elk we have killed have a very small portion of tallow.

The traders usually arrive in this quarter, as has been before observed, in the month of April, and remain untill October; when here they lay at anchor in a bay within Cape Disappointment [1] on the N. side of the river; here they are visited by the natives in their canoes who run along side and barter their comodities with them, their being no houses or fortification on shore for that purpose.    the nations who repare thither are fist, those of the sea coast S. E. of the entrance of the river, who reside in the order in which their names are mentioned, begining at the entrance of the river (viz) The Clatsop, Killamuck, [2] Ne-cost, Nat-ti, Nat-chies, Tarl-che, E-slitch, You-cone and So-see.    secondly those inhabiting the N. W. coast begining at the entrance of the river and mentioned in the same order; the Chinnook and Chiltch the latter very numerous; and thirdly the Cath-lâh-mah, and Skil-lutes, the latter numerous and inhabiting the river from a few miles above the marshey Islands, where the Cuth-lâh-mâhs cease, to the grand rappids. These last may be esteemed the principal carryers to intermediate traders between the whites and the Indians of the Sea Coast, and the E-ne-shurs, the E-chee-lutes, and the Chil-luck-kit-te quaws, who inhabit the river above, to the grand falls inclusive, and who prepare most of the pounded fish which is brought to market. The bay in which this trade is carryed on is spacious and commodious, and perfectly secure from all except the S. and S. E. winds, these however are the most prevalent and strong winds in the Winter season. [3]    fresh water and wood are very convenient and excellent timber for refiting and reparing vessels.—


Capt. Lewis took all the men which Could be Speared from the Fort and Set out in quest of the flesh of the Seven Elk which were killed yesterday    they found the meat all Secure untouched by the Wolves, of which indeed there are but fiew in this Countrey; at 1 P. M. the party returned with the 2d and Last load of meat to the fort.    this evening we finished all last of our Candles, we brought with us, but fortunately had taken the precaution to bring with us moulds and wick, by means of which and Some Elk tallow in our possession we do not think our Selves distitute of this necessary article, the Elk which have been killed have a verry Small portion of tallow. The Traders usially arrive in this quarter, in the month of april, and remain until October; when here they lay at anchor in a Bay within Cape Disapointment on the N. Side of the river; here they are visited by the nativs in their Canoes who run along Side and barter their Comodities with them, their being no houses or fortification on Shore for that purpose.

The nations who repare thither ar first those of the Sea Coast S. E & N W of the enterance of the river, who reside in the order in which their names are mentioned to the S E. the Clat Sops, Kil-á-mox, and those to the N W. of the Chin nooks, and Chiltch [NB?: Ch. on the coast to the N. W]; and Secondly the Cath-lâh-mâh, War-ki-a-cum, and Skil-lutes, the latter noumerous and inhabiting [NB: the river Coweliskee.] [4]    those last may be considered or intermedeate traders between the whites and nations on the Sea Coast, and the E-ne-churs, the E-chee-lutes, and the Chil-luck-kit-te-quaws, who inhabit the river up to the great falls inclusive, and who prepare most of the pounded fish which is brought to Market.

The Bay in which the trade is Carried on is Spacious and Commodious, and perfectly Secure from all except the S. & S E Wings and those blow but Seldom    the most prevalent & Strong winds are fromthe S W & N W in the Winter Season.    fish water and wood are very Convenient and excellent timber for refitting and repareing vessels.—.


Monday 13th Jany. 1806.    rained hard all last night and continues this morning. Capt. Lewis and all the party except the guard went after the Elk meat. Six men Set jurking the meat to keep it from Spoiling.


Monday 13th.    The weather changed and we had a cloudy wet day; and all the hands, who could spared, were engaged in bringing the meat of the elk, killed yesterday to camp.


Monday Janry 13th    It rained during the whole of last night and continues Raining this morning.    Captain Lewis & all our party (excepting the guard) set out in Order to bring in the Elk meat.    They brought the 7 Elk in at 2 loads, & Six of the Men set at cutting up and Scaffolding the meat to day &ca.—

1. Baker Bay, Pacific County, Washington, Atlas map 82. (back)
2. In his subsequent entry for January 25, Lewis corrected himself to say that these groups named after the Tillamooks (Killamucks) were actually different bands of the Tillamook Indians (see also the Estimate of Western Indians). However, most of these names refer to villages of the Alsea and Yaquina Indians, speakers of the Alsean language, who resided below the Tillamooks on the north-central Oregon coast. Dorsey (ST); Hodge, 1:665, 738–39, 2:982, 992–93; Hajda, 97–98; Atlas maps 84, 93. Some of the terms may be identified linguistically. "E-slitch" is from the Tillamook language, nšl‘tš,' "Siletz (River)." "You-cone" and "So-see" are both from the Alsea language, yaqó·n, "Yaquina," and possibly wusi, for "Alsea." Cf. Frachtenburg, 288, 304. (back)
3. Note the discrepancy with Clark's statement on the winds in his entry for this date, below. (back)
4. Biddle's insertion was added to a large blank space. (back)