October 15, 1804
36.61% Complete
Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

October 15, 1804


15th of October    Rained all last night, passed a Ricara hunting camp on the S. S. & halted at another on the L. S, Several from the 1t Camp visited us and gave meat as also those of the Camp we halted at, we gave them fish hooks Some beeds &c.    as we proceeded on we Saw a number of indians on both Sides all day, Saw L. S some Curious Nnobs high and much the resemblance of a hiped [hipped] rough [roof] house, we halted at a Camp of 10 Lodges of Ricaras on the S. S., [1] we visited thier Lodges & were friendly recved by all—    their women fond of our men—    &c.

Course Distance
West 2 ½ m to a Creek on the L. S.
North 4 m. to a wood point on the L. S.
N 34° W. 3 ½ m. to a pt S. S.    〈passed an Old Chyenne Village on the
L. S. below a Creek on〉 the L. S. [2]    a Camp of Ricaras on
the S. S.

rained all last night, we Set out early and proceeded on    at 3 Miles passed an Ind. Camp [NB: of hunters Ricaras ] on the S. S.    we halted above and about 30 of the Indians came over in their Canoos of Skins, we eate with them, they give us meat, in return we gave fishhooks & Some beeds, about a mile higher we came too on the L. S. at a Camp of Ricres [NB: ricaras ] of about 8 Lodges, we also eate & they gave Some meat, 〈here we found the relation of〉    we proceded on    Saw numbers of Indians on both Sides passing a Creek, [3] Saw many Curious hills, high and much the resemblance of a house [NB: like ours] with a hiped roof, at 12 oClock it Cleared away and the evening was pleasent, wind from the N. E.—    at Sunset we arrived at a Camp of Ricares of 10 Lodges on the S. S.    we Came too and Camped near them    〈I〉 Capt Lewis & my Self went with the Chief who accompanis us, to the Huts of Several of the men all of whome Smoked & gave us Something to eate also Some meat to take away, those people were kind and appeared to be much plsd. at the attentioned paid them.

Those people are much pleased with my black Servent—    Their womin verry fond of carressing our men. &.

15th Octr

Course Distance & Reffurencs
West   2 ½ miles to a Creek on the L. S. passing over a Sand bar make-
ing from the S. pt.
North   4 miles to a point of wood on the L. S.    passing over a Sand
point on the S. S.
N. 34° W.   3 ½ miles to a point of wood on the S. S.    passing old Village
of the Shár há or Chien Indians on the L. S below a Creek
on the Same Side. [4]    passed a Camp of Ricares on S. S.

Monday 15th Oct. Some rain last night. Cloudy morning    we Set off eairly.    passd. a Timbred bottom where we Saw Some Indians.    at 7 oC. we met a hunting party of the Rickarees comming down the river returning to their village, they had 12 Cannoes made of Bufflow hides loaded with excelent fat meat.    we halted with them about 2 hours.    they Gave us Some of their fat meat to carry with us & Gave us Some that they cooked to eat.    we Smoaked with them.    their party consisted of men women & children.    our officers Gave them in return Some fish hooks Beeds &.C.    we proceeded on    passed Barron hills on the South Side of the River.    at 10 oC. we passed another hunting party who were Encamped in a timbred bottom on S. S.    passed a handsome Bottom prarie & the Mouth of a creek where their was an old village Some years ago of the Chien Nation [5] on S. S.    we proceeded on.    passed timbred bottoms on each Side of the River we Saw a nomber of Indians on the Shore on N. S.    passd. a creek on S. S. [6]    at Sunset we Camped on N. S. at a hunting Camp of the R. Ree nation.    their was abt.30 men & a nomber of women & children at this Camp.    they treated us in the Same manner as the rest of their nation did.    the Greatest Curiousity to them was York Capt. Clarks Black Man.    all the nation made a Great deal of him.    the children would follow after him, & if he turned towards them they would run from him & hollow as if they were terreyfied, & afraid of him.


Monday 15th.    It rained all last night, and we set out early in a cloudy morning. At 7 we saw a hunting party of the Rickarees, on their way down to the villages. They had 12 buffaloe-skin canoes or boats laden with meat and skins; besides some horses that were going down the bank by land. They gave us a part of their meat. The party consisted of men, women and children. At 8 we went on again; passed a fine bottom covered with cotton wood on the north side, and naked hills on the south. About 10, we saw another party of hunters, who asked us to eat and gave us some meat. One of these requested to speak with our young squaw, [7] who for some time hid herself, but at last came out and spoke with him. She then went on shore and talked with him, and gave him a pair of ear-rings and drops for leave to come with us; and when the horn blew for all hands to come on board, she left them and came to the boat. We passed a creek on the south side, and encamped at dusk on the north; where there was a party of Indians about 30 in number. Our squaw remained with this party: they gave us some meat and appeared very glad to see us.


Monday 15th Oct. 1804. [8]    rained all last night.    we Set off eairly.

Monday October 15th [9]    We set off early this morning, it having rained the whole of last night; and proceeded on, and passed along about two Miles, where we met a party of the Rick a Ree Indians returning to their Villages, We put to the Shore, and they gave us some deer & buffalo Meat, We proceeded on, and passed a Creek lying on the South side of the River, where there was a Camp of Rick a Ree Indians.—

This is the last Camp of Rick a Ree Indians we expect to see, they were a hunting party—    There was in this Camp, about 30 Indians; as we put too to them, they behaved very friendly, they gave us plenty of Meat & we encamp'd near them this Night.—

1. The party's camp was above the last Arikara camp in Emmons County, North Dakota, below present Fort Yates, on the opposite shore. The three Arikara camps are shown on Atlas map 26. The site is now inundated by Oahe Reservoir. MRC map 47. (back)
2. The passage about the Cheyenne village also appears in the Codex C courses and distances for October 15, but there it does not appear to be crossed out. Entries for October 16, below, clearly indicate that they passed the village on that date. Atlas map 26 shows the village site almost exactly opposite the October 15 camp, and this may explain why Clark had some confusion about which day he should give as the one when they "passed" the spot. (back)
3. Later Four Mile Creek, nameless on Atlas map 26, in Sioux County, North Dakota. MRC map 47. (back)
4. Sharhá Creek on Atlas map 26. This is a very difficult stretch of the river to locate with any precision. It has been identified as modern Porcupine Creek by some authorities but could just as easily be Long Soldier Creek (now Onemile Creek), both in Sioux County. Wood (BS), 63–64; MRC map 47; MRY map 122. (back)
5. Meaning the Cheyenne Indians, which Ordway gave as "Shian" in his next entry. See Clark's entries for this day and the next. (back)
7. Clark says nothing about this young woman on this day, although he notes, "their women fond of our men— &c." Ordway is also silent on the matter. She may be one of the "2 Handsom squars" who followed the party and "persisted in their Civilities" on October 12, when Gass notes their spending the night. See Clark's entry and note for October 12. (back)
8. Following this entry in the original version there is a gap in the writing until November 1 where a new writer begins, the person designated No. 2. There are no missing pages; in fact, this entry ends on one side of a sheet and the entry of November 1 begins on the back of the same sheet. (back)
9. Above this entry in the fair copy is a pointing hand; its significance is unknown. (back)