FIG.1. Bison, adult male
FIG. 2. Grizzly bear adult (top) and black bear adult (bottom)
FIG. 3. Elk, adult male
FIG. 4. Pronghorn, adult male
FIG. 5. Least tern, adult and chick
FIG. 6. Piping plover, adult
FIG. 7. Buffaloberry, female plant with berries
FIG. 8. Pasture sagewort, with leaf variation and flower detail
FIG. 9. Bighorn, adult male
FIG. 10. Black-tailed prairie dog, adult ("all-clear" or "jump-yip" call)
FIG. 11. Coyote, adult
FIG. 12. Gray wolf, adult
FIG. 13. Mule deer, adult male (in autumn)
FIG. 14. Richardson's ground squirrel, adult ("picket-pin" posture)
FIG. 15. White-tailed jackrabbit, adult in summer pelage
FIG. 16. Common poorwill, adult
FIG. 17. Golden eagle, adult
FIG. 18. Sharp-tailed grouse, adult male
FIG. 19. Trumpeter swan, adult
FIG. 20. Western meadowlark, adult male
FIG. 21. Whooping crane, adult
FIG. 22. Bearberry
FIG. 23. Fringed sagebrush, with leaf variation and flower detail
FIG. 24. Indian tobacco
FIG. 25. Lanceleaf sage, with leaf variation and flower detail
FIG. 26. Large-flowered clammyweed, with flower detail
FIG. 27. Missouri milk-vetch
FIG. 28. Shadscale, with seed detail
FIG. 29. Silky wormwood, with leaf variation and flower detail
FIG. 30. Western juniper and adult lark sparrow
FIG. 31. Bushy-tailed woodrat, adult with cache
FIG. 32. Swift fox, adult
FIG. 33. Thirteen-lined ground squirrel, adult (dormant)
FIG. 34. Greater sage-grouse, adult male (right) and female
FIG. 35. Lewis's woodpecker, adult male (right) and female
FIG. 36. McCown's longspur, adult male
FIG. 37. Western rattlesnake (top and middle) and western hognose snake (bottom)
FIG. 38. Channel catfish (top), blue catfish (middle), and cutthroat trout (bottom)
FIG. 39. Mountain sucker (top) and goldeye (bottom)